Are you interested in becoming an author and sharing your ideas on our website? We’re always on the lookout for fresh perspectives on topics related to web design, and we welcome your contributions.

However, we want to let you know that writing for us requires effort. We want your article to be top-notch, so we’ll challenge you to bring your A-game. Once your article is accepted, you’ll receive extensive feedback from our team, and you’ll work with an editor to make revisions.

But the rewards are worth it. Your work will be read by thousands of peers, potential employers, clients, or publishers, and you’ll learn a lot in the process. You’ll develop your communication skills, improve your writing abilities, and gain new insights into the topic you thought you knew well.

We offer compensation in the form of a small commission ranging from $20 to $50, depending on the topic’s relevance and volume. We believe in compensating our authors for their hard work and dedication to producing high-quality content.

What we’re looking for

We welcome submissions in the form of a rough draft, partial draft, or short pitch accompanied by an outline. It’s best if your submission is as complete as possible to receive comprehensive feedback from us.

Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.

What we publish

We feature articles with a word count ranging from 1000 to 2,500 words, depending on the topic’s complexity, with an average length of 2000 words. Most articles come with customized illustrations. The tone and content of the articles can vary from casual to academic, and they cover a wide range of current and innovative subjects in the web industry. Our articles are thoroughly reviewed and carefully edited to ensure that they offer well-thought-out explorations of the latest topics.

How to submit (and what happens next)

Email us your submission. To facilitate direct feedback and guidance within your draft, we encourage you to submit your work as a Google document. Alternatively, you can send us a plaintext file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document.


Your article should have a title and subtitles, and if you include code snippets, please use code blocks with syntax highlighting. It’s recommended to use a cover image, we suggest using sites like Unsplash or Canva. We advise limiting the use of emojis as they can be distracting and inaccessible.

You may include a short one-sentence call-to-action (CTA) such as a personal newsletter subscription link or a link to one social media account. However, we do not allow affiliate links in articles or multiple CTA links between the sections as they can negatively impact the reader’s experience. If the article is already behind the paywall, we discourage adding referred membership links, as Medium already shows a default popup of your membership page.