sql in, not between statement

When working with large amounts of data in a SQL database, it is often necessary to filter that data to find specific records that meet certain criteria. The SQL IN and BETWEEN operators are two powerful tools that can be used to filter data based on specific values or ranges. In this article, we will explore how to use these operators in your SQL queries.

To perform data analysis on the filtered results, check out our guide on SQL MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVG, and SUM statements. If you want to search for patterns within your data, our guide on SQL LIKE and wildcards may be helpful.

The SQL IN Operator

The SQL IN operator is used to match a value against a list of possible values. For example, if you want to find all customers who live in California or New York, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE state IN ('California', 'New York');

This will return all customers who live in either California or New York. The IN operator can also be used with a subquery to match a value against a list of values returned by another query.

The SQL BETWEEN Operator

The SQL BETWEEN operator is used to match a value against a range of values. For example, if you want to find all orders with a total value between $100 and $500, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE total BETWEEN 100 AND 500;

This will return all orders with a total value between $100 and $500. The BETWEEN operator can also be used with dates and times to match values within a specific range.

Using the NOT Keyword with IN and BETWEEN

In addition to using the IN and BETWEEN operators to match specific values or ranges, you can also use the NOT keyword to exclude certain values or ranges. For example, if you want to find all customers who do not live in California or New York, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE state NOT IN ('California', 'New York');

This will return all customers who do not live in either California or New York. Similarly, if you want to find all orders with a total value outside the range of $100 to $500, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE total NOT BETWEEN 100 AND 500;

This will return all orders with a total value outside the range of $100 to $500.


SQL IN and BETWEEN operators are powerful tools for filtering data, and when combined with other SQL statements, they become even more useful. For example, you can use aliases to rename columns and tables when filtering data with these operators. You can also use inner, left, right, and full outer joins to combine data from multiple tables before filtering it. By mastering these techniques, you can become a more proficient SQL developer and better manage your data.

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