python pandas data manipulation

In this tutorial, we will delve into the world of Pandas data manipulation. We will cover various techniques, such as sorting, renaming, and merging DataFrames. These techniques are essential for any data analyst or data scientist working with Pandas, as they make it easier to organize and process data.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a firm grasp of how to sort DataFrames by values and indices, rename columns and indices, and merge, concatenate, and join DataFrames.

Sorting DataFrames

Sorting is a common operation in data analysis, as it helps us understand and explore the data by arranging it in a specific order. In this section, we will discuss how to sort DataFrames by values and indices.

Sorting by Values

To sort a DataFrame by values, we use the sort_values() method. This method takes several arguments, such as the column(s) to sort by, the sorting order (ascending or descending), and whether to sort in place or return a new DataFrame.

Let’s first create a sample DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eve'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 28, 23],
    'Score': [80, 90, 85, 88, 92]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Now, let’s sort the DataFrame by the ‘Score’ column:

sorted_df = df.sort_values(by='Score')

The output should be:

            Name  Auditory   Creator  Score
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar     20
3       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou     40
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar     70
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou     90

By default, sort_values() sorts in ascending order. To sort in descending order, pass the ascending=False argument:

sorted_df = df.sort_values(by='Score', ascending=False)

Here is the output:

            Name  Auditory   Creator  Score
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou     90
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar     70
3       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou     40
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar     20

You can also sort by multiple columns by passing a list of column names:

sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=['Auditory', 'Score'], ascending=[True, False])

And the output for the following example:

            Name  Auditory   Creator  Score
3       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou     20
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar     40
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou     90
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar     70

In the example above, the DataFrame is first sorted by ‘Auditory’ in ascending order, and then by ‘Score’ in descending order.

Sorting by Indices

To sort a DataFrame by its index, use the sort_index() method. This method also accepts the ascending and inplace arguments.

Here’s an example of sorting our DataFrame by index in descending order:

df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)

The output should be:

            Name  Auditory   Creator  Score
3       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou     20
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar     40
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar     70
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou     90

Renaming Columns and Indices

It’s not uncommon to encounter DataFrames with unclear or undescriptive column and index names. In such cases, renaming them can improve code readability and ease data analysis. In this section, we will discuss how to rename columns and indices in a DataFrame.

To rename columns, use the rename() method with the columns argument. You can pass a dictionary where the keys are the current column names and the values are the new column names. To rename indices, pass a dictionary to the index argument instead.

Here’s an example of renaming the ‘Name’ column to ‘Subniche’ and the ‘Score’ column to ‘Content_Score’:

renamed_df = df.rename(columns={'Name': 'Subniche', 'Score': 'Content_Score'})
        Subniche  Auditory   Creator  Content_Score
3       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou             20
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar             40
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar             70
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou             90

You can also rename the index labels by passing a dictionary to the index argument:

df.index = pd.Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
renamed_df = df.rename(index={'A': 'X', 'B': 'Y'})
            Name  Auditory   Creator  Score
X       Seter AI     40000  Vasiukou     20
Y    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar     40
C  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar     70
D   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou     90

By default, the rename() method returns a new DataFrame. If you want to rename columns or indices in place, set the inplace=True argument:

df.rename(columns={'Name': 'Subniche', 'Score': 'Content_Score'}, inplace=True)

Merging, Concatenating, and Joining DataFrames

Often, you’ll need to combine data from multiple DataFrames to create a new, unified DataFrame. In this section, we will discuss three methods for achieving this: merging, concatenating, and joining DataFrames.

Merging DataFrames

Merging DataFrames is similar to performing a join operation in SQL. The pd.merge() function allows you to merge two DataFrames based on a common column or index.

Consider the following two DataFrames:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'ID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eve'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 28, 23]

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'ID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'Score': [80, 90, 85, 88, 92],
    'Grade': ['B', 'A', 'B+', 'B+', 'A']


To merge these DataFrames on the ‘ID’ column, we can use the pd.merge() function:

merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='ID')
   ID     Name  Age  Score Grade
0   1    Alice   25     80     B
1   2      Bob   30     90     A
2   3  Charlie   35     85    B+
3   4    David   28     88    B+
4   5      Eve   23     92     A

By default, pd.merge() performs an inner join. However, you can perform left, right, and outer joins by specifying the how argument. For example, to perform a left join, set how='left':

merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='ID', how='left')
   ID     Name  Age  Score Grade
0   1    Alice   25     80     B
1   2      Bob   30     90     A
2   3  Charlie   35     85    B+
3   4    David   28     88    B+
4   5      Eve   23     92     A

Refer to the Pandas documentation for more details on merging DataFrames.

Concatenating DataFrames

Concatenating DataFrames involves stacking them on top of one another (vertically) or side by side (horizontally). The pd.concat() function accepts a list of DataFrames to concatenate.

Let’s create two DataFrames to concatenate:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35],
    'Score': [80, 90, 85]

df2 = pd.DataFrame({ 
    'Name': ['David', 'Eve'], 
    'Age': [28, 23], 
    'Score': [88, 92] 

      Name  Age  Score
0    Alice   25     80
1      Bob   30     90
2  Charlie   35     85
    Name  Age  Score
0  David   28     88
1    Eve   23     92

To concatenate these DataFrames vertically, pass them as a list to pd.concat():

concatenated_df = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
      Name  Age  Score
0    Alice   25     80
1      Bob   30     90
2  Charlie   35     85
3    David   28     88
4      Eve   23     92

The ignore_index=True argument resets the index of the resulting DataFrame. If you don’t provide this argument, the original indices will be preserved.

To concatenate DataFrames horizontally, set the axis=1 argument:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35]

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'Score': [80, 90, 85],
    'Grade': ['B', 'A', 'B+']

concatenated_df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)
      Name  Age  Score Grade
0    Alice   25     80     B
1      Bob   30     90     A
2  Charlie   35     85    B+

In this example, we concatenated two DataFrames with the same number of rows side by side.

Joining DataFrames

python join types

The join() method allows you to join two DataFrames based on their indices. This method is useful when you need to combine DataFrames with different column structures.

Consider the following two DataFrames:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eve'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 28, 23]
}, index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'Score': [80, 90, 85, 88, 92],
    'Grade': ['B', 'A', 'B+', 'B+', 'A']
}, index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])


To join these DataFrames on their indices, use the join() method:

joined_df = df1.join(df2)
      Name  Age  Score Grade
A    Alice   25     80     B
B      Bob   30     90     A
C  Charlie   35     85    B+
D    David   28     88    B+
E      Eve   23     92     A

By default, the join() method performs a left join. You can perform other types of joins (right, inner, outer) by specifying the how argument.

For example, to perform an outer join, set how='outer':

joined_df = df1.join(df2, how='outer')
      Name  Age  Score Grade
A    Alice   25     80     B
B      Bob   30     90     A
C  Charlie   35     85    B+
D    David   28     88    B+
E      Eve   23     92     A

Frequently asked questions

Sorting by values arranges the rows in a DataFrame based on the values in one or more columns. Sorting by indices arranges the rows in a DataFrame based on the labels of the index. In general, sorting by values is useful when you want to explore the data based on specific criteria, while sorting by indices is useful when you want to rearrange the rows based on some external information, such as a time series.

Yes, you can sort a Pandas DataFrame by multiple columns at once by passing a list of column names to the by argument in the sort_values() method. For example, to sort a DataFrame by the ‘Score’ column first, and then by the ‘Name’ column in ascending order, you can use the following code: df.sort_values(by=['Score', 'Name'], ascending=[False, True])

You can rename columns and indices in a Pandas DataFrame using the rename() method. To rename columns, pass a dictionary of current names and new names to the columns argument. To rename indices, pass a dictionary of current names and new names to the index argument. By default, the rename() method returns a new DataFrame with the updated names. To update the original DataFrame in place, pass the inplace=True argument.

Merging DataFrames combines two or more DataFrames based on common columns or indices. Concatenating DataFrames combines two or more DataFrames either vertically (stacking them on top of each other) or horizontally (side by side). Joining DataFrames combines two or more DataFrames based on their indices. The main difference between merging and joining is that merging can combine DataFrames based on common columns as well as indices, while joining can only combine DataFrames based on their indices. Concatenating, on the other hand, does not consider any common columns or indices, but rather just combines the DataFrames based on their position.


In this tutorial, we explored various Pandas data manipulation techniques, including sorting, renaming, and merging DataFrames. You learned how to sort DataFrames by values and indices, rename columns and indices, and merge, concatenate, and join DataFrames.

Now that you have mastered Pandas data manipulation, you can continue learning about other aspects of Pandas, such as data selection and filtering, grouping and aggregating data, and data visualization.

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