npm vs npx

If you’re a JavaScript developer, you’re probably familiar with npm and the Node.js ecosystem. npm (short for “Node Package Manager”) is the default package manager for Node.js, which allows you to install, manage, and publish packages (i.e., reusable code modules) for your projects.

But have you heard of npx? npx (Node Package eXecute) is a relatively new command-line tool that comes with npm, and it’s designed to make it easier to execute packages (i.e., run scripts and commands from packages) without having to install them first. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between npm and npx, and how they can be used to manage and execute JavaScript packages.

What is npm (Node Package Manager)?

npm is a package manager for Node.js, which is used to install and manage JavaScript packages. npm is installed alongside Node.js and can be used to install packages from the npm registry (a public repository of open-source packages), as well as locally installed packages (i.e., packages that are stored in a project’s “node_modules” folder).

npm provides a command-line interface (CLI) that allows developers to search for packages, install them, update them, and remove them. npm also allows developers to publish their own packages to the npm registry, making them available to other developers around the world.

What is npx (Node Package eXecute)?

npx is a command-line tool that comes with npm, starting from version 5.2.0. The purpose of npx is to make it easier to execute packages without having to install them first. With npx, you can run a command from a package that is not installed on your system, by downloading and executing the package on the fly.

For example, if you want to create a new React app, you can use the “create-react-app” package, which is available on the npm registry. To use this package with npx, you can run the following command:

npx create-react-app my-app

This will download the latest version of the “create-react-app” package, and use it to create a new React app in a folder called “my-app”. After the app is created, you can start working on it immediately, without having to install any additional dependencies.

npm vs npx: What’s the Difference?

Now that we’ve seen what npm and npx are, let’s explore the differences between them. While both npm and npx are used to manage and execute JavaScript packages, they have some important differences that set them apart:

1. Execution of Packages

The most significant difference between npm and npx is in how they execute packages. With npm, you have to install a package before you can use it. This means that if you want to run a package that is not already installed on your system, you have to install it first:

npm install package-name

Once the package is installed, you can run its scripts and commands using the “npm run” command:

npm run script-name

With npx, you can execute a package without having to install it first. This means that you can run a command from a package that is not installed on your system, by downloading and executing the package on the fly:

npx package-name command-name

This is particularly useful when you need to run a package only once, or when you don’t want to clutter your system with unnecessary dependencies.

2. Use Cases

npm and npx are designed for different use cases. npm is primarily used for managing packages and their dependencies, while npx is used for executing packages on demand.

For example, if you’re working on a project that requires a lot of packages, and you need to manage their dependencies carefully, you would probably use npm (Node Package Manager). On the other hand, if you need to run a single command from a package, or try out a new package without installing it, npx would be the better choice.

npx vs npm use cases

3. Package Runner

Another difference between npm and npx is in how they run packages. npm runs packages from the “node_modules” folder, which contains all the installed packages for a project. This means that if you have multiple versions of a package installed in different projects, you could run into conflicts.

npx, on the other hand, runs packages from a temporary directory, which is created when you execute a package. This means that you don’t have to worry about conflicts between different versions of the same package, and you can be sure that you’re running the latest version of a package.

4. Default Package Manager

npm is the default package manager for Node.js, which means that it is the one that most developers will use by default. This is because npm is installed alongside Node.js, and it is the most widely used package manager for JavaScript.

npx, on the other hand, is not the default package manager, but rather a command-line tool that comes with npm. This means that developers need to be aware of its existence and how to use it, which can be a barrier for new developers.

5. JavaScript Packages

Both npm and npx are designed to manage and execute JavaScript packages, which are reusable modules of code that can be shared and reused across different projects. JavaScript packages can be used for a wide range of tasks, from building web applications to automating tasks and managing dependencies.

6. Manage Packages

One of the main features of npm is that it allows developers to manage packages and their dependencies. npm provides a command-line interface that allows developers to search for packages, install them, update them, and remove them. npm also allows developers to specify dependencies in a “package.json” file, which is used to manage the dependencies of a project.

npx, on the other hand, does not provide any tools for managing packages or their dependencies. Instead, npx is focused on executing packages on demand, without having to install them first.

Frequently asked questions

npx does not install packages locally or globally. Instead, it downloads and executes packages on the fly, without the need for installation. This makes it a great tool for quickly trying out new packages or running one-time commands.

npx requires an internet connection to download packages the first time they are executed. However, once a package is downloaded, npx can execute it offline. This means that if you’ve already executed a package with npx, you can continue to use it even if you’re offline.

To deploy your own package to npx, you need to publish it to the npm registry. Once your package is published, other developers can install and use it with npx. To publish your package to the npm registry, you can use the command “npm publish”.

npx comes pre-installed with npm, which is included with Node.js. This means that if you have Node.js installed on your system, you also have npx.

npx can be slow to start up, especially the first time you use it with a new package. This is because npx has to download the package and its dependencies, which can take time depending on your internet connection. However, once a package is downloaded, npx can execute it quickly and efficiently.

You can check if you have npx installed by running the command “npx -v” in your terminal. If npx is installed, it will output the version number. If npx is not installed, you can install it with the command “npm install -g npx”.

Yarn is another popular package manager for JavaScript, similar to npm. Yarn provides faster installation times and better package caching than npm, making it a good choice for large projects. npx is a command-line tool that comes with npm, allowing you to execute packages without having to install them first. While both npm and Yarn are used for managing packages and their dependencies, npx is used for executing packages on demand.


In conclusion, npm and npx are both important tools for managing and executing JavaScript packages, but they are designed for different use cases. npm is designed for managing packages and their dependencies, while npx is designed for executing packages on demand.

While both tools are useful, developers should be aware of their differences and choose the tool that best fits their needs. Whether you’re building a complex web application or just trying out a new package, npm and npx are powerful tools that can help you get the job done.

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