python pandas filter and select

Data selection and filtering are essential data manipulation techniques for the data scientist, that allow you to extract specific data from a dataset. In this article, we will cover how to filter data in Pandas using various techniques.

To learn more about importing data into Pandas, take a look at our article on importing CSV files with Pandas for a detailed guide.

Filtering Data in Pandas Dataframe

Filtering Data Using Boolean Indexing

Boolean indexing is a powerful and flexible technique that allows you to filter data based on a condition. It involves passing a Boolean array of the same length as the DataFrame or Series being filtered to the indexing operator, which returns the subset of data where the Boolean array is True.

Note: For a more in-depth look at Pandas DataFrames and their features, check out our article on understanding Pandas DataFrames for a comprehensive overview.”

Filter Rows Based on a Condition

To filter rows based on a condition, we create a Boolean array by applying a condition to one or more columns of the DataFrame. We can then pass this Boolean array to the indexing operator to select only the rows where the condition is True.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [10000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Selecting rows where Auditory is greater than 20000
auditory_greater_than_20k = df[df["Auditory"] > 20000]


The output will be:

            Name  Auditory Creator
1  Seter Develop    100000  Hontar
2    Seter Mngmt     50000  Hontar

In this example, we create a Boolean array by comparing the “Auditory” column of the DataFrame to the value 20000. We then pass this Boolean array to the indexing operator of the DataFrame to select only the rows where the condition is True.

Filter Rows Based on Multiple Conditions

We can also filter rows based on multiple conditions by combining Boolean arrays using logical operators such as & (and), | (or), and ~ (not).

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Selecting female rows where Auditory is greater than 30000
female_auditory_greater_than_30k = df[(df["Auditory"] > 30000) & (df["Gender"] == "F")]

# Selecting rows where the auditory is greater than or equal to 50000 or the gender is "F"
female_or_auditory = df[(df["Auditory"] >= 50000) | (df["Gender"] == "F")]

# Selecting rows where the auditory is greater than 50000 and the creator is not Hontar
auditory_and_not_creator = df[(df["Auditory"] > 50000) & ~(df["Creator"] == "Hontar")]


The output will be:

          Name  Auditory Creator Gender
2  Seter Mngmt     50000  Hontar      F

            Name  Auditory   Creator Gender
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou      M
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar      M
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar      F

           Name  Auditory   Creator Gender
0  Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou      M

In this example, the code selects the rows where the “Auditory” is greater than 30000 and the “Gender” is “F”. This is done by creating a Boolean array with the condition “(df[“Auditory”] > 30000) & (df[“Gender”] == “F”)”, and then passing it to the DataFrame using square brackets.

Next, the code selects the rows where the “Auditory” is greater than or equal to 50000 or the “Gender” is “F”. This is done using the | operator to combine the two conditions into a single Boolean array.

Finally, the code selects the rows where the “Auditory” is greater than 50000 and the “Creator” is not “Hontar”. This is done using the & and ~ operators to combine and negate the two conditions, respectively.

Filter Columns Based on a Condition

We can also filter columns based on a condition by passing a Boolean array to the indexing operator of the DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# 1. Filter columns where at least one element has a value greater than 70000 (applies to numeric columns)
numeric_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=[])
filtered_columns = numeric_columns.loc[:, (numeric_columns > 70000).any()]
print("Filtered columns with at least one element greater than 70000:\n", filtered_columns)

# 2. Filter columns where all elements are of type string
filtered_columns = df.loc[:, df.applymap(lambda x: isinstance(x, str)).all()]
print("\nFiltered columns with all elements of type string:\n", filtered_columns)

# 3. Filter columns where the column name contains the letter 'e'
filtered_columns = df.loc[:, [col for col in df.columns if 'e' in col]]
print("\nFiltered columns with column names containing the letter 'e':\n", filtered_columns)

# 4. Filter columns where the number of unique values is greater than or equal to 2
filtered_columns = df.loc[:, df.nunique() >= 2]
print("\nFiltered columns with the number of unique values greater than or equal to 2:\n", filtered_columns)

The output will be:

Filtered columns with at least one element greater than 70000:
0    100000
1    100000
2     50000

Filtered columns with all elements of type string:
             Name   Creator Gender
0   Seter Design  Vasiukou      M
1  Seter Develop    Hontar      M
2    Seter Mngmt    Hontar      F

Filtered columns with column names containing the letter 'e':
             Name   Creator Gender
0   Seter Design  Vasiukou      M
1  Seter Develop    Hontar      M
2    Seter Mngmt    Hontar      F

Filtered columns with the number of unique values greater than or equal to 2:
             Name  Auditory   Creator Gender
0   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou      M
1  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar      M
2    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar      F
  1. Filtering columns where at least one element has a value greater than 70000 (applies to numeric columns).
  2. Filtering columns where all elements are of type string.
  3. Filtering columns where the column name contains the letter ‘e’.
  4. Filtering columns where the number of unique values is greater than or equal to 2.

Filtering Data with query() Function

The query() function allows you to filter data by specifying a query string. The query string should be a valid Python expression that evaluates to a boolean value. Here’s an example:

# Filter data where Age is greater than 30 and Gender is 'M'
filtered_data = df.query("Age > 30 and Gender == 'M'")

This code will return all rows where the Age is greater than 30 and Gender is ‘M’. The query string is passed as an argument to the query() function.

Filtering Data with isin() Function

The isin() function is used to filter data based on a list of values. It returns a boolean mask that can be used to filter the DataFrame. Here’s an example:

# Filter data where Name is 'Alice', 'Bob', or 'Carol'
name_filter = df["Name"].isin(["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])
filtered_data = df[name_filter]

This code will return all rows where the Name is ‘Alice’, ‘Bob’, or ‘Carol’. The isin() function returns a boolean mask that is used to filter the original DataFrame.

Advantages of Using query() and isin() Functions

Using the query() and isin() functions offers several advantages over other filtering methods. First, these functions provide a more concise and readable syntax for complex filtering operations. They also allow you to filter data without creating intermediate variables, which can help reduce memory usage and improve performance.

Additionally, the query() function allows you to reference columns directly in the query string, which can make it easier to write complex queries. The isin() function also provides an easy way to filter data based on a list of values, which is a common task in data analysis.

Selecting Data in Pandas Dataframe

Selecting Data Using Indexing Operators

In addition to filtering data, we can also use indexing operators to select specific rows and columns from a DataFrame or Series. There are several indexing operators available in Pandas, each with its own syntax and use cases.

Selecting Rows by Index Label

The .loc operator is used to select rows and columns by the label. To select a single row by label, we pass the row label to the .loc operator.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=["A", "B", "C"])

# 1. Select row with label "A"
selected_row = df.loc["A"]

# 2. Select row with label "B"
selected_row = df.loc["B"]

# 3. Select multiple rows using labels "A" and "C"
selected_rows = df.loc[["A", "C"]]

# 4. Select rows with labels between "A" and "C" (inclusive)
selected_rows = df.loc["A":"C"]

The output will be:

Name        Seter Design
Auditory          100000
Creator         Vasiukou
Gender                 M
Name: A, dtype: object
Name        Seter Develop
Auditory           100000
Creator            Hontar
Gender                  M
Name: B, dtype: object
           Name  Auditory   Creator Gender
A  Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou      M
C   Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar      F
            Name  Auditory   Creator Gender
A   Seter Design    100000  Vasiukou      M
B  Seter Develop    100000    Hontar      M
C    Seter Mngmt     50000    Hontar      F
  1. Select row with label “A”: In this example, we retrieve the row associated with the index label “A” from the DataFrame.
  2. Select row with label “B”: In this example, we retrieve the row associated with the index label “B” from the DataFrame.
  3. Select multiple rows using labels “A” and “C”: In this example, we retrieve multiple rows associated with the index labels “A” and “C” from the DataFrame.
  4. Select rows with labels between “A” and “C” (inclusive): In this example, we retrieve a range of rows from the DataFrame, starting with the row associated with index label “A” and ending with the row associated with index label “C”, including both of these rows.

Selecting Rows by Index Position

The .iloc operator is used to select rows and columns by position. To select a single row by position, we pass the row position to the .iloc operator.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=["A", "B", "C"])

# Select row at position 2
selected_row = df.iloc[2]


The output will be:

Name        Seter Mngmt
Auditory          50000
Creator          Hontar
Gender                F
Name: C, dtype: object

In this example, we select the row at position 2 (i.e., the third row) by passing the position to the .iloc operator of the DataFrame. The resulting subset DataFrame contains only the row at position 2.

Selecting Columns by Label or Position

We can also use the .loc and .iloc operators to select specific columns from a DataFrame. To select a single column by label, we pass the column label to the .loc operator.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Select column "Name" by label
selected_column = df.loc[:, "Name"]


The output will be:

0     Seter Design
1    Seter Develop
2      Seter Mngmt
Name: Name, dtype: object

In this example, we select the “Name” column by passing the label “Name” to the .loc operator of the DataFrame. The resulting subset Series contains only the “Name” column.

To select a single column by position, we pass the column position to the .iloc operator.

Select column at position 1

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

selected_column = df.iloc[:, 1]


The output will be:

0    100000
1    100000
2     50000
Name: Auditory, dtype: int64

In this example, we select the column at position 1 (i.e., the second column) by passing the position 1 to the `.iloc` operator of the DataFrame. The resulting subset Series contains only the “Age” column.

We can also select multiple columns by passing a list of column labels or positions to the `.loc` or `.iloc` operator.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Select columns "Name" and "Gender" by label
selected_columns = df.loc[:, ["Name", "Gender"]]


The output will be:

            Name Gender
0   Seter Design      M
1  Seter Develop      M
2    Seter Mngmt      F

In this example, we select the “Name” and “Gender” columns by passing a list of labels ["Name", "Gender"] to the .loc operator of the DataFrame. The resulting subset DataFrame contains only the “Name” and “Gender” columns.

We can also select multiple columns by passing a list of positions to the .iloc operator.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Seter Design", "Seter Develop", "Seter Mngmt"],
    "Auditory": [100000, 100000, 50000],
    "Creator": ["Vasiukou", "Hontar", "Hontar"],
    "Gender": ["M", "M", "F"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Select columns at positions 0 and 2
selected_columns = df.iloc[:, [0, 2]]


The output will be:

            Name   Creator
0   Seter Design  Vasiukou
1  Seter Develop    Hontar
2    Seter Mngmt    Hontar

In this example, we select the columns at positions 0 and 2 (i.e., the first and third columns) by passing a list of positions [0, 2] to the .iloc operator of the DataFrame. The resulting subset DataFrame contains only the “Name” and “Gender” columns.

Selecting Multiple Rows

In this section, we will cover how to select multiple rows in a Pandas DataFrame using various methods. This is a useful technique when you want to analyze a specific subset of your data.

Using the `.loc[]` and `.iloc[]` methods

The `.loc[]` method is used for selecting rows based on index labels, while `.iloc[]` is used for selecting rows based on index positions. To select multiple rows, you can pass a list of labels or index positions.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
data = {'A': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'B': [5, 6, 7, 8]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Select multiple rows using index labels with .loc[]
rows_labels = [0, 2]
selected_rows_loc = df.loc[rows_labels]

# Select multiple rows using index positions with .iloc[]
rows_positions = [1, 3]
selected_rows_iloc = df.iloc[rows_positions]

print("Rows selected using .loc[]:")
print("\nRows selected using .iloc[]:")

Using slicing

You can also use slicing to select a range of rows. This works with both .loc[] and .iloc[] methods. When using slicing, you need to specify the start and end index of the range. Note that when using .loc[], the end index is inclusive, while with .iloc[], the end index is exclusive.

# Select a range of rows using slicing with .loc[]
start_label, end_label = 1, 3
selected_rows_loc_slice = df.loc[start_label:end_label]

# Select a range of rows using slicing with .iloc[]
start_position, end_position = 1, 3
selected_rows_iloc_slice = df.iloc[start_position:end_position]

print("Rows selected using slicing with .loc[]:")
print("\nRows selected using slicing with .iloc[]:")

Using boolean indexing

Another way to select multiple rows is by using boolean indexing. You can pass a boolean series or array with the same length as the DataFrame to filter rows based on a specific condition.

# Select rows where column 'A' is greater than 2
condition = df['A'] > 2
selected_rows_boolean = df[condition]

print("Rows selected using boolean indexing:")

Frequently asked questions

Pandas is a powerful and versatile library that offers several advantages for data manipulation in Python:

  1. Efficient handling of large datasets: Pandas is built on top of NumPy, which enables it to handle large datasets efficiently and perform fast operations.
  2. Easy-to-use data structures: Pandas provides two primary data structures, the DataFrame and the Series, which make it easy to manipulate and analyze tabular data.
  3. Intuitive syntax: The Pandas syntax is designed to be expressive and concise, making it easy to write and understand complex data manipulation tasks.
  4. Rich functionality: Pandas includes a wide range of built-in functions for data cleaning, filtering, aggregation, and transformation, which makes it a powerful tool for data analysis.
  5. Compatibility with other libraries: Pandas is compatible with many other Python libraries, making it easy to integrate with other tools for data visualization, machine learning, and statistical analysis.

Pandas primarily use two data structures for manipulating data:

  1. DataFrame: A two-dimensional, size-mutable, and heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). DataFrames are ideal for representing and working with tabular data, such as spreadsheets, CSV files, and SQL tables. They can store data of different types (e.g., integer, float, string) and have various built-in functions for efficient data manipulation and analysis.
  1. Series: A one-dimensional, size-mutable, and heterogeneous array-like object that can store data of any type (e.g., integer, float, string). A Series is essentially a single column of a DataFrame, and it has a set of labels (index) associated with it. Series can be used to represent and manipulate individual columns of data or as intermediate results of DataFrame operations.


In this article, we have covered the basics of data selection and filtering in Pandas. We have learned how to filter data based on conditions, how to select specific rows and columns using indexing operators, and how to combine multiple filtering conditions using logical operators.

Pandas offers a rich set of tools for data manipulation and analysis, and mastering these tools is essential for anyone working with data in Python. We hope this article has provided you with a solid foundation in Pandas data selection and filtering, and that you will be able to apply these techniques to your own data analysis projects.

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